Congratulations, you are the new Royal Retainer for Princess Lumbricina of Opisthopora! 

You are bestowed this honour due to the unforeseen betrayal and subsequent executions of previous retainers in questioning Her Royal Highness’ beautiful, wriggly form. You are to care for Princess Lumbricina’s Food, Hydration, Comfort and of course, Entertainment.

Princess Lumbricina’s coronation draws near, three days from now. You are responsible for ensuring Her Royal Highness is in pristine health and condition for the big day!

This game was made with 48 hours during Global Game Jam 2024, site-hosted at UOW MalaysiaThe theme of the game jam is Make Me Laugh.

•🌱•🌱•  Controls  •🌱•🌱•

This game only requires a mouse to play! Keep Princess Lumbricina healthy by interacting through different methods, such as Misting, Cleaning, Feeding, Opening/Closing Curtains and Entertaining her. Her Majesty’s mood will be reflected on her movements. Do pay attention to what her needs are!

•🌱•🌱•  Credits  •🌱•🌱•

This game is developed by members from Studio Snat!

  • Farid Nad (Project Manager | Art Director | Narrative Designer)
    [Twitter | LinkedIn]
  • Peng Chung (Project Manager |  Game Programmer)
    [Twitter| LinkedIn]
  • Eden (Asst. Project Manager | Game Designer)
  • RamReboot (Background, Sprite & Splash Screen Artist)
  • Jiha (Character Artist)
  • Nazmi (Quality Assurance)

We extend our greatest gratitude to our friends below who have helped us make this project a reality!

  • Chini (Art Direction Consultancy) [LinkedIn]
  • Li (Moral Support | Game Jam Buddy)
  • Fahren (Moral Support)

•🌱•🌱•  Other Information  •🌱•🌱•


YeOldeWorm Princess - v1.0 - 55 MB
YeOldeWormPrincess- v1.0 - 65 MB
YeOldeWormPrincess - v1.0 - 55 MB


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Insert the following control schemes:

When completed, you should be able to access an empire filled with worms that are the sizes of kaijus rummaging the entire globe, fulfilling the Princess's hunger for power and glory.